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The Fan2Fan Podcast - A Conversation Between Fans About Movies, Comics, TV, Video Games, Toys, Cartoons, And All Things Pop Culture

Oct 27, 2016

In this episode of the Fan2Fan Podcast, host Bernie Gonzalez shares an audio adventure from his supernatural/pulp/noir inspired comic Midnight Mystery. Produced in the spirit of old time radio programs like The Shadow and Inner Sanctum, "The House That Satan Built" follows detective Ezekiel "Zeke" King as he ventures...

Oct 25, 2016

In this episode of the Fan2Fan Podcast, host Bernie Gonzalez is joined by fan/comedian/podcaster Chad Lind to discuss John Carpenter's 1978 slasher/horror classic Halloween. Along with personal memories of watching Halloween, they discuss the film's production, casting, Carpenter's direction and influences. Bernie and...

Oct 18, 2016

In this episode of the Fan2Fan Podcast, author Kevin Folliard joins host Bernie Gonzalez to talk about kid friendly horror in media. Where do you draw the line between scary stories for children and adult horror in books, film, and TV shows? They examine the question and explore how children can learn from spooky tales...

Oct 11, 2016

After discussing some of the legendary figures in practical special effects in a previous episode, Fan2Fan Podcast host Bernie Gonzalez and fellow podcaster Peter Charbonneau (So Bad It’s…) return to talk about some of the memorable moments in movie make-up history. They examine Frankenstein's iconic look, Alien's...

Oct 4, 2016

In this episode of the Fan2Fan Podcast, host Bernie Gonzalez and fellow podcaster Peter Charbonneau (So Bad It’s…) talk about some of the legends of practical special effects including Rick Baker, Rob Bottin, Tom Savini, Stan Winston, and KNB. Bernie and Pete discuss the memorable contributions these make-up...